These six providers are referred to as “Core Vendors” because their services are available in all districts. More information about these companies and their investment products is available at the TSA Group website.
MEA Financial Services Inc.*
(Commission-Based Advisor)
(800) 292-1950
Midwest Capital Advisors
(Fee-Only Advisor)
(877) 269-4032
PlanMember/Williams & Co.
(Fee-Based and/or Commission-Based Advisor)
(616) 257-7221
Lincoln Investment/M3 Investment Services
(Fee-Based and/or Commission-Based Advisor)
(888) 844-7872
AIG Retirement Services (formerly VALIC)
(Salaried and Commission Representatives)
(800) 448-2542
GLP & Associates
(Fee-Based and/or Commission-Based Advisor)
(877) 457-9467
More information about these companies and their investment products is available at the TSA Group website.